What It Is

It is a journey, a party, a job, a hobby, a life. And here it is, or at least a slice of it.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Same Song, Second Verse

Time, indeed does fly. I'm not really worried about the surfing. If it happens, it happens, but I am continuing to pursue other passions. The main thing in life, as we are forced to live it in the modern world, is not to be swallowed by your job. You've got to have hobbies, pursuits, minor obsessions, avocations, passions, interests, anything so that you have an identity beyond "standard suburban cubicle drone."

But, if you have a wife and a decent lifestyle that you want to keep, you've got to work. I missed out on the inheritance lottery and the regular lottery is just a tax on people who are bad at math, so what remains for me is a regular job.

Which requires me to stop typing rather than get fired. Bye for now.


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