Perusing other blogs
You know how I hardly ever post anymore? Okay, let me back up. Before I started a blog here, I had another blog/journal/online diary/commentary whateveryouwanttocallit page. I updated there (it's gone now) off and on for at least a couple of years. And then I stopped, and started and stopped and started, etc.
I suppose I've had lots of the same motivations to spew out my thoughts online as a lot of other people. We all want to be heard, to feel that our thoughts might just matter to someone other than those who love us whether we write anything or not. It feels good to know that our observations and thoughts are intrinsically interesting to someone other than ourselves.
So, since I've bothered to hope that other people would read what I write, I feel it only fair to go and read what some other folks write about here on blogspot. And it makes me sad. So I'm going to say something that some people may not want to hear.
YOU ARE BORING, most of you. And you know who are the most boring of all? Wannabe writers, poets, etc. And I believe I know what the problem (other than an intrinsic lack of talent) is. Too many people write because they want to write something. Perhaps I'm not saying this correctly. They want to have written something. They want to think of themselves as a writer. They likethe idea of being a writer.
But here's the thing. They have nothing to say.
If you are thinking about writing, please, please for the love of all that is not mind numbingly, "stick a fork in my eyeball to distract me from this torture" boring, consider for a moment why you have decided to write something. If the answer is anything other than "I have something to say that others might find interesting, funny or informative" then please don't do it.
Just don't do it. I thank you, and my so far forkless eyeballs thank you.
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